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Centro Alta Tecnologia Ronzoni provides an analytical service for the identification and characterization of chemicals as pure substances or mixtures. The most appropriate analytical approach (NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry …) is proposed based on the substance to be examined and on the required level of in-depth investigation. Bibliography research is executed in accordance with the study to be conducted and to support the experimental results.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

  • High-resolution 600 MHz Bruker Avance III 600 Quadruple resonance (H/C/N/2H) High-sensitivity CryoProbe TCI 5mm
  • High-resolution 500 MHz Bruker Avance NEO 500 Quadruple resonance (H/C/N/2H) High-sensitivity CryoProbe TCI 5mm
  • High-resolution 500 MHz Bruker Avance III Inverse detection multinuclear BB probe 10mm TXI 5mm probe
  • Solid-state High-resolution Bruker Avance300 WB High-resolution magic angle spinning probe heads up to 18KHz multinuclear CP and DD X/1H probes, 4 and 7mm rotors.

Mass Spectrometry

  • UHR-QqTOF (Ultra-High Resolution Qq-Time-Of-Flight), Impact II Bruker Daltonics, (UHPLC Platin Blue Knauer)
  • ESI-Q-TOF MS, micrOTOFQ Bruker Daltonics (HPLC Dionex Ultimate 3000)
  • ESI-FT MS, Solarix high mass accuracy and resolution, Bruker Daltonics (HPLC Agilent 1100)

Molecular weight determination

  • TDA 305 Viscotek equipped with autosampler HTA 110
  • TDA 302 Viscotek
  • Omnisec System (Omnisec Resolve/Reveal) Malvern Panalytical


  • Viscotek TDA 305
  • Viscotek TDA 302
  • OMNISEC Malvern